PCGA endeavors to foster the following golf related
activities for the benefit of its members:
- Provide for member’s benefit and use an updated handicap
tracking system either of it’s own management or through the
affiliation with a recognized Golf Association. - Provide annually an individualized PCGA card with
handicap factor for the identification and immediate
certification of the member’s skill level for domestic and
international golf courses requiring such. - Organize annually, a multi-day member Championship
tournament where each, can compete for separate flight
CHAMPION with others of similar skill level and where the
rules of golf and the spirit of “fair play” take precedence. - Negotiate for members discounts for green fees and/
or Golf merchandise with participating courses and related
businesses domestic and/or international and inform
members of same. - Publish a membership directory to facilitate member’s
contacts for networking and golf related purposes. - Report information about upcoming golf tournaments
and other golf related events within the Portuguese Canadian
community and/or of interest to members. - Enhance the stature of PCGA by pursuing affiliation with
domestic and international Golf Associations. - Facilitate and promote member group golf trips to different
Domestic and International destinations with particular
emphasis to the various golf regions of Portugal.